
Podcast Superstar

I just finished listening to the most recent Ryan Dobson podcast for Kor Ministries. It was State of the Man Thursday (a little late due to Ryan's bout with food poisoning) and his special guest was none other that my great friend Marshall. I have known him for a long time and have always known him as a witty, charming and funny guy. That said, I hadn't really noticed how great of a voice he has. Check out this podcast and listen to how well his voice and presentation comes across. Also, if you get a chance, stop by his blog for information about supporting he and Lindsay at OC International.

Update: I completely forgot to mention that Ryan's podcasts are also available on my audio player on the right tool bar. It will alwasy play his most recent, which is currently Marshall's show.

1 comment:

  1. Right on! I downloaded the podcast and will be listening to it in the next few days! Now that MP is going to be posting things on his blog, I'll be able to keep up with him on my own. So far, Matt has been my avenue to the social pipeline!


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