
Summer begins

I've not written much lately. It's not so much that I've been busy - though I have. It's not so much that nothing's happening around here - there is.

I'm just not in the mood at the moment.

Regardless of my mood as it relates to blogging, the summer will officially begin tonight at 8:10 pm tonight when I show up at the Simferopol airport for round 1 of teams pick-ups. It's gonna be quite a ride with some small teams, some huge teams and a whole smorgasbord of interns. I'm hoping to talk Sarah into posting more about camps so we cover all the bases.

Also, in the coming weeks I'll link to any of the intern or team blogs so that you can get that perspective as well.

1 comment:

  1. dont for get LOTS AND LOTS of pics if and when you can!!! THANKS :O)


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