
I'm gone!

I've made the switch...

Below is my first post over at the new site.  Please change the address to www.coloradomatty.wordpress.com...

Finally, I have taken the time and summoned up the courage to end my wavering on the new blog.  The decisions themselves are telling in how I expect to proceed from this point on.  Please notice:
This format has the option of adding and editing additional pages which appear in tabs across the top of the site.  At this point I only have an ultra-brief bio and a page related to Hope Center but in the future this will expand.
The Twitter feed prominently displayed on the top right.  I have already explained that Twitter falls under the category of “micro-blogging” and as such, my thoughts which can be expressed in 140 characters or less will more than likely end up there rather than in the main post area.  You can either join and follow me on Twitter or read my updates directly from this site.
The new address I chose was coloradomatty instead of the familiar coloradogaws.  I intend this to become less a family blog (after all, we are back in the States and communication will be simplified from the Ukraine days) and more of a ‘professional’ production (ridiculous pomposity alert!!!!).  Obviously I won’t get paid for this but my plan is for future content to reflect this directional change.  I’m going to work on getting Sarah to ‘guest post’ after she forgives me for scrapping the old format.
The Hope Center links still exist.  Despite our simultaneous departure from Ukraine and Global Action, I still firmly believe in those ministries and will continue to promote both.
There will be a greater emphasis (though not overwhelmingly so) on politics, current events, faith and history – hopefully with an accompanying improvement in writing quality.  The goal would be to make these subjects compelling, interesting and/or humorous.  Obviously there will also still be posts on family, friends and miscellanea to further liven the mood.
So that’s what this is going to be about.  If you subscribe, link to or follow my blog, please change the address to www.coloradomatty.wordpress.com

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Vist My Blog For Latest News, Job Updates, Stories.......


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