
Polls, polls everywhere without a drop of logic

Public Opinion Surveys has come out with a poll of American opinions on Iraq that, if nothing else, shows why I don't trust polling. The poll of 800 likely voters (which slanted slightly Democrat) shows that when given the choice of,
  1. Immediate withdrawal,
  2. Timetable withdrawal,
  3. Originally opposed but see the need to stay until security is achieved,
  4. Have supported the war all along,

Americans chose victory, whatever it takes (3&4) over withdrawal of any kind prior to security is achieved(1&2) by a slight majority but well within the margin of error. However, by 20% Americans feel that immediate withdrawal would be more damaging to US reputation than staying as long as it takes.

The most interesting fact is that while the new Democratic Congress seems feel that they are akin to the second coming, they actually are statistically tied with President Bush in low approval rating at 39% & 38% respectively. In the interests of honesty, it must be noted that prior to the Democratic takeover, their approval was equally low. Some mandate, huh? In fact, 3.5 times more people strongly approve of the President than of congress.

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