
AIDS Numbers Worldwide Decline

Have you ever come across a story or article that by the time you've finished reading, you have gone through a half dozen reactions/emotions? This story had that effect on me. The essence of the piece is that AIDS numbers worldwide have dropped significantly - from 39.5 million to 33.2 - but that the decrease is mainly on paper.

Here's my progression of reactions as I read through the story:

Stage 1, Elation - "Great news! Whatever is leading to a lowering of instances of this horrendous disease is fantastic! Praise the Lord that fewer people are suffering from AIDS. But wait........"

Stage 2, Disillusionment - "It's an illusion, dang it! It isn't so much that fewer people have AIDS, it's just a statistical correction. So all the money being poured into the developing world isn't doing a thing for these people?!?"

Stage 3, Cautious Hope - "Wait, apparently the AIDS epidemic peaked in late 90's....there is improvement, just not as much as the numbers have been revised. That's good news!"

Stage 4, Suspicion - "How could the number be off by over six million cases, that's almost 20%?!? I smell an agenda at work here...."

Stage 5, Cynicism - "Oh look, the story quotes two epidemiologists from elite universities who believe the numbers have been knowingly inflated to create greater urgency and increase funding! As with global warming, science has become political."

Stage 6, Frustration/Anger - "Apparently the immanent death of over 33 million people isn't spectacular enough. It cheapens the tragedy of the people who ACTUALLY have AIDS (particularly those who contracted it through no fault of their own) to play number games with the issue."

Stage 7, Acceptance - Because all emotional stage processes must end with acceptance.

Give this article a read and let me know your reaction.

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