
Greenpeace meets Eastern Europe

If you've ever been here (or just noticed in some of the photos on this blog) picking up trash is not exactly a 'Russian tradition.'  Even our beautiful beach is only that way because daily we sweep and rake all the debris off the sand and into one of the designated piles of crap.  Last night in the car Sergey just threw his Twix wrapper out the window - over my strenuous objections.  He says "When everyone else stops doing it, I'll stop" and I say "Be the change you want to see in the world."  Culture clash.

Anyway, I thought of this when I saw this post by Jake Knotts regarding efforts by Greenpeace in our neck of the woods.  It's a funny one.


  1. Matt, I remember one time in a certain Latin American country, I was riding in a car with a family when they decided to change their baby's diaper and then throw the dirty diaper out the window. Hmmmm...Unfortunately, I was too surprised to think of a good challenge like you gave your friend. Interesting clash.


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