

I've been told that the Apture app that I introduced on the last post isn't working for some folks. Can I get some feedback? If you're on my page, can any of you access the built-in links?

If you can't see it on mine, check out this Andy Braner post and let me know if they work for you there.

Honestly people, letting me believe that I have just shared a pearl of wisdom with the world when it is doing absolutely nothing is the cyber equivalent of letting me do a speech with my fly down....

Where are my real friends?


  1. Whoa, creepy!

    I still don't know if anyone can see it but if you Apture link to a word, name or phrase, the app will automatically locate it and link again in future posts.

    It moved my links for Andy Braner and Apture from my late post to this one...

  2. ...oh, never mind. It just went back to normal...

    If nothing else, this app sure it quirky.

  3. Okay, it appears to work in Safari.

  4. Hey, it sounds like you guys are having trouble with seeing the links in IE?

    Let me know if that's the case, and I will get to our dev team - this has come up before and I want to make your links work!



Give me your genius!