
Quote of the Day

I just caught this on Powerline. In my opinion, this is by far the best quote of this political cycle thus far. This is in response to Hillary Clinton's bid to create a museum at the site of 1969's famous/infamous Woodstock Music Festival.

"In case you missed it, a few days ago Senator Clinton tried to spend one million dollars on the Woodstock concert museum. Now, my friends, I wasn't there. I'm sure it was a cultural and pharmaceutical event. I was tied up at the time."
-John McCain, US Senator, presidential candidate and POW in Vietnam

I don't agree with McCain on some policy issues but let's not forget that the man has given more for this country than all the other presidential candidates combined. Here's the video:


  1. Unbelievable. That was worth the price of admission! "Pharmaceutical event" -- Awesome.

  2. I love it. The fact that he can tell a straight-faced joke about being POW for 5 1/2 years gives me a huge amount of respect for him.

  3. Muwuahahahahahaha! Classic. You know what's sad? I bet he just got some votes for that - you know people are so lame and would vote for someone just because he's able to tell a good joke! (or for a similarly lame reason)

  4. Seriously! He's a great man and that was a great line, but if I voted strictly by who I thought was the funniest, I'd be working on the "Kevin James for President" campaign (nice tie-in, huh?).

    People are woefully uninformed and so a line like that makes a guy stand out in the crowd to the average American voter.


Give me your genius!