
Mac Tonight

I have to begin by referring to the post title and by asking if anyone remembers the "Mac tonight" MacDonald's commercials from like 20 years ago. It featured a lounge singer whose head was shaped like a crescent moon...anyone? Please comment if you recall that.

Anyway, back to the actual reason for this post...

I am hereby announcing that the next post you read
from this very site may very well have been composed on a MacBook. This astronomical increase in technology will be evident in the way that my blog...um...well.....

OK fine! It will have exactly zero effect on my blog from the perspective of you, my reader(s), but according to apple.com my computer experience will be greatly improved, particularly in the "fun" category. As if that wasn't exciting enough news, my new computer will come equipped with Mac OS X Leopard, the latest operating system for the Macs which will be released in a mere 2.5 hours. I can barely contain my excitement. Sarcasm aside, I'm actually pretty chuffed (a Brit-slang term I just learned recently) about this new computer thing. We decided to get one for our time in Ukraine and the Macs had more cool things that we wanted and less junk things that we didn't. In the next few weeks I'll likely be updating you on how this new platform will affect communications during 2008. I am hoping to do audio/video podcasts in addition to the blog that will help keep everyone in the loop.


  1. Matt, I am commenting on my MacBook from my newly-installed copy of Leopard and it's even cooler than it looks in the videos. And I don't think I think that just because I was watching Transformers while Phil was installing it. Anyway, I think you and Sarah will love it! Mac + Guitar Hero III party at our house next week!

  2. You are just trying to make jealous because my MacBook hasn’t arrived yet, aren’t you. I want to be making this comment from my new computer equipped with Leopard, but I CAN’T; I have to use this stupid Dell. I am pretty excited to get it but it looks as though it may not arrive until next week. It isn’t even supposed to ship until Tuesday at the earliest. Even if it does show up on Friday or Saturday, I’ll be hunting by then. We may have to wait until the following weekend to party…at which time Sarah will be in Michigan for her friend’s wedding. DANGGIT!!!

  3. Here we go with another animal and hunting post! I too am excited to get Leopard. Of course, I have to wait until my co-worker orders the family pack on Friday...yeah, yeah, technically we aren't family but since we work next to each other at a place that has family in the title we practically are. Semantics my friend. BTW Kacie, we're ONLY using our single license on ONE Mac. There's no way to install it on more then one :)

  4. I'm going to let your jab at Kacie go unremarked upon.

    I just heard that my computer has been shipped. The bad news? It's coming from Shanghai via FedEx ground. Ground service from China?!?! Is that even possible? Oh well, at least I have the FedEx tracking number so I can know exactly how far away from me it is at any given time. Small consolation but it's all I've got.

  5. Who doesn't remember the Mac Tonight commercials? Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht were turning over in their graves as the Moon-headed crooner defiled their masterpiece.


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