
Best Campaign Ad in the History of Man (Mike Huckabee and Chuck Norris)

I don't think I even need to comment on this one. This is easily the funniest ad I've ever seen a Presidential candidate be man enough to put on the air. Huckabee has my respect and maybe my vote too.


  1. Oh my gosh. That's awesome. Particularly the "Chuck Norris Approved" bit.

  2. Priceless, right? I just like how Huckabee plays it mostly straight as though he is participating in a legitimate ad.

  3. For just a second, it looks like a legit ad cut by some clever youtube editor, but - no - it's for real.

  4. Honestly, I wouldn't have believed that it was legitmate but I heard it being discussed on talk radio and they tend to vet their story fairly well.

  5. Huckaby for President. Of all the candidates, he's the one I'd vote for...I doubt he'll get the nomination though. Judo-chop!

  6. I like him ok. The only knock is that he is a little too loose with term fiscally conservative. He says he is, some of his tax policies are not. Oh well, you can't please everyone all the time.


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