
Kharkov/Donetsk Tidbit

I promised no long posts about the Donetsk trip and since this one is 9 pics, I'll make it up by making the text sparse.

The communist party of Ukraine was taking donations to ship their unpopular president to the US.  Not the most loved moment I've felt since I've been here.

Umm...  that's obviously Freddie Mercury graffiti.  Not sure what else to add about that.

Some of the figures from Ukrainian history at the base of the statue in central Kharkov dedicated to Taras Shevchenko - arguably Ukraine's greatest poet/artist.

I have issues with their teachings but there can be no arguing with the Orthodox church's sense of the aesthetic.

Yup, that's an Italian restaurant.  Nothing like the Ukrainian version of ethnic sensitivity.

Street kids in Kharkov.  They were literally fighting for scraps of food and change with the dog.

Jenya said these cars are from about 1947.  

Donetsk still has their classic Soviet manhole covers.  Being in Kerch, I'd never seen one as they were stolen to sell for scrap long before I got here.

A statue of the Welsh founder of Donetsk John Hughes.

Was that fast enough?  Ok class, any questions?


  1. Now that's my type of history lesson.

  2. haha! yeah Kharkov has alot of things to see, but i just think its angry and cruel city!Still we had soooo much fun there!


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