
Summer camps funding update

I realized today that I haven't given a recent update on our fundraising efforts from while we were in the US during the fall.

As of today, faithful donors have given exactly $11, 406.12 towards summer camps in 2009.

We are staggered by this number and are so blessed to have been able to be part of this effort and to have been allowed to share our heart with all of you.

As you can see on the right, the link is still available if you would like to contribute towards summer camps this year.


  1. Does this include the fundraising you have been doing to send kids to camp? Or are they 2 seperate things. Next question...how much do we need?

  2. Naomi,
    Yes, sorry. Sometimes I interchange various terms for this effort. We were tasked with raising funds to cover the cost of hosting kids at Hope Center camps. It was one of our ideas to break this overall cost (very large and intimidating) down to a 'per kid' cost for 1 camp.

    It was an important feature - particularly for those who had never been to a HC camp - that we bring the individual kids to life for potential donors and allow them a stake in the life a single child.

    So, we are aiming at a larger number which would ideally be reached in set increments.

    In short, this number includes the great work that you have been doing and is it the same effort.

    Answer: we need a whole lot. At the time when we drew up the budget, it was going to cost $92K for all 4 camps but since then there have been a lot of changes in both the exchange rate and Ukrainian economy. Since we aren't very close to the full amount as budgeted, I'm not that worried.

    Don't be discouraged though! Every dollar that it costs us to run camps comes from donations and through our efforts, we have done all that we could to ensure that we are getting funded in this tough economic climate and are as little a drain on the general budget as possible.

    Hope that answers your questions.


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