
Shame on all of you!

I've noticed an interesting trend in past few months regarding visitor numbers to our blog.  The lowest day of the week is always Saturday, followed by Sunday.  I figured this was because people planned things on the weekends and got out away from their computers.

Today is the second snowy day in the past few weeks and I have noticed that the visitor levels are pretty low on both of those days.  So this means the consistent variable for many readers is actual presence at work.  I get high numbers when you people are at work and lower numbers when you're at home.  What a irresponsible use of company time and internet!

Uh-oh, my boss is coming, I gotta get back to looking like I'm working.....


  1. Um, I'm not at work right now, I'm, uh, not watching students write while simultaneously checking blogs. I would, uh, never do that.

  2. Yeah, sure.

    I'm glad that my tax dollars are not going to Weld County school district. For shame, for shame!

  3. To be fair, I would never have commented while watching students had you not made the prospect so tempting. I usually only check blogs during lunch or my plan time, as I have a faster connection here at school. Today, though, I had all my students fabulously on task and quietly scribbling. There was plenty of time to sneak away to blogland.

  4. This is true...I check more at work. However, I know for a fact (when you were working at GA in CO) that 99% of your posts were made while at work!

  5. Ahhh Slick,
    Therein lies the inherent humor of the post. I write at work and you check at work. Of course, I utilize my blog for ministry-related content and to stay in contact with a variety of supporters and potential supporters. Thus blogging (keeping myself and the ministry in the front of people's minds) is work related.

    I would like to confess that I just made all that up and it cannot possibly represent the official position of Global Action.

  6. It sounded good to me! When I blog at work, it is also work-related, considering the majority of the posts are about my family. I'm totally Focusing On My Family. :P


Give me your genius!