
New header

I switched the header graphic from a simple and amateurish one with a good shot of the remains of the Turkish fortress of Еникале (Yenikalea) to another picture that I took of Fortress Kerch last spring.

It should be obvious that a higher degree of skill went into the editing of this photo for me so make a comment let Sergey know how you like his work.  Also tell me what you think of the new photo choice.


  1. I love it! tell Sergey i'n his biggest fan!!!!

  2. Then I shall be his second biggest fan! I really like the shot.

    Hee hee -- my word verification is "bedski" which everyone knows is Russian for bed.

  3. I was just commenting to Amanda that I liked the new pic, and low and behold an explanation. We both like it and the work that went into making it look professional.

  4. I love the new header...but the old was was lovely. Change is good...

    Life is good...

    In Sunny Santa Fe


Give me your genius!