
What job?

This magazine has been sitting on my bed stand for months and I had never noticed this tag on the cover for an article.
Who was the cover editor on that one?  There are so many ridiculously offensive (and some humorous) ways that could be interpreted that I'm not even going to start....  ok, I changed my mind.

You know those folks who think that AIDS was invented by the white man to destroy the [fill in the ethnic group of your choice]?  Doesn't this title seem like an article in white supremacist magazine related that alleged plot?

Well, that was mine.  Not really funny, but the clip just hit me so I had to throw it on here.

Oh by the way, here's the full cover.  In context it does makes sense... but still.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, poorly edited, maybe if AIDS wasn't in all caps it would have turned out better.

    On a simalar note, something innocuous and even positive that is communicated poorly. It seems at least monthly that one of the three grocery stores I frequent is raising money for a good cause.

    Often, and I would say even frequent, the nice cashier will ask: "would you like to donate a dollar for Cancer?" My response is almost always, to my wife's rolling eyes, is: "no thank you, cancer doesn't need my money, it's killing people without my support." Or something like that. Why would I want to help cancer? Fight cancer, sure, round up to the next dollar, but help - I don't think so!

    Shortening the communication can significantly change the content. Although, sometimes it's funny...


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