
GA on TV

Go here and see us on local TV doing our Christmas festival in Kerch.  It's in Russian but you'll be able to understand my portion that I do through Sergey, my personal translator.  It's around the 2:30 mark.  It looks like I was crying... and I was.... with allergies.

Watch the whole thing and you may see some folks that you know.


  1. Way to be famous! i like the music in the background. I felt like i was at a carnival...or in a music box.

  2. ey Matt - it was REALLY wonderful to watch the video of the holiday festivities! One of the women (Natalie) was a good friend of ours - we frequently worked with her progarms while we were there. Can you pass on to her our warmestwishes...ohhhhh, how we miss our life there...THANK YOU soooooo much for what you are doing to make life better there in Kerch....


    In Sunny Santa Fe

  3. You're famous! It was really fun to see what you guys are up to over there. That's really great! Love you guys!


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