
Kids to Camp funding update

Directly to the right has been a link for donating to our ministry in Ukraine by sponsoring an orphan to come to our camps next summer.... and get their nails painted by me....

I have been working since we returned unexpectedly in September to raise support for these kids (you can read about the whole story from here).  A lot of you have been involved in that effort and I thank you.  I figured you've all been seeing that funding link for weeks so I owe you an update.  

We've been to a variety of homes, churches and meetings and have been blessed by those who we've met (or already knew).  Our goal was to fund 400 children for next summer at a cost of $230/ child.  To that end, I estimate we have actually raised enough for somewhere between 30 and 45 children.  The variance exists as the difference between actual cash in hand and solid commitments that I have received.

While this is a great start after only a month of talking to people, it is far short of the pace we need to be at in order to achieve full funding by the time we leave in January.  I am not holding this burden on my own shoulders and have been amazed at how most of the funding has come not from my efforts but from the Lord placing interesting and faithful people in my path.  I pray that I will continue to trust in His plan and timing as we get closer to our time of departure.

If you have thought about giving to our ministry in Ukraine but haven't acted, I would encourage you to follow the link at right and do so today.

Thanks and God bless.

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