
LotD - Stacey in Louisville

I made a comment on the SLC post on Christians drinking beer; sin or no?  When you do this on a blogger site (as on most sites), there is the option to receive an email update for future comments.  The debate turned into a comments monstrosity revolving around when and how drinking is permissible for Christians.  This morning I got an email with the following comment signed by Stacy in Louisville:

"Know why you can't drink or have pre-marital sex in Bible college?"
It might lead to dancing"

I doubt the commenter just wrote it but I still loved the sarcasm.  

1 comment:

  1. That is a favorite jab at really conservative baptists....personally, I think it is hilarious.

    Be on the lookout for a little gift box coming with the kids from IBC next week -- Chris Cartwright rocks for bringing it over. You have to take a picture with the family because Chris and Mokie at WAYD are way excited that the shirts are making it to the Ukraine!


Give me your genius!