
Camp Update: Biffer with our new friends

Since I realize that nearly no one is familiar with the game of "Biffer" if you haven't been to the HopeCenter and it is a major part of the camp experience, I thought I should explain it at the beginning of the summer... just so we're all on the same page.

Basically the kids have to complete a series of stations such as...

...jump rope...
...ball toss...
...shooting baskets...
...all while being chased...
...by people trying to beat you with tube socks filed with flour...
...who are dressed sort of like this...
...and are usually older and faster than 99% of the campers...
...with your only salvation coming by way a friendly "doctors" who come to patch you up after you have been "biffed".
We've been having a great time even with the weather not cooperating for going to the sea.  Contrary to what I expected (both from experience and anecdotes) this camps problem children have been in the YOUNGEST ward while the older campers have been a joy.  I have been talking a little with the older guys at night regarding being gentlemen and becoming a man and not just an adult male human and Sarah has been working with the girls too.  We really will miss this group when they leave.  I have some more photos of the kids which will be in the following post.


  1. I am now harboring a desire to meet Mr. Cool at the front door tonight with a sock full of flour--thank you for the role you are playing in these kids' lives.

  2. BIFFER!!!!! can i just say how much i want ot be there!!!! you all must be haveing a blast!!! I miss you guys!! please tell ira(the red head in the first pic) and rita her friend that i say hello and miss them!!!


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