
I'm an Uncle again

Posted from the hospital's WiFi, here is (as far as I know) the first cyber presence of my new nephew Padraig Gibson Orf.  Joy gave birth early this morning (Saturday) after a relatively uneventful labor.  I am beginning to realize how few of Joy and Bobby's friends I actually know.  That's a sad situation since we have only been 1.5 hours south of them for the better part of 3 years.  Anyway, we came up to Boulder this morning to see the happy little family.  He is a cute fella and we are excited to be able to share some time with them.
Congrats Bobby and Joy!


  1. The Indiana Branch of the clan is thrilled. Got a picture text from Joy yesterday of her and young Patrick.

    Awesome. Completely Awesome.

    We can't wait to get there and meet him.

  2. Congrats guys! Thanks for the pic of Padgrishdfhtg! Is that an Irish/Gaelic name? How is it pronounced? I gots to know for when I meet him.


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