
Congrats Marshall and Lindsay

Before I forget to mention it, I must admit to having stolen this picture from Heidi's blog.

I am honored to be the first person in Ukraine to officially welcome Morgan Elizabeth Partlow to the world.  Due to the miracle of modern technology, we were able to stay in touch with the Partlows as they progressed through the process in the hospital.  We haven't heard from them lately but I hope that all is well and that the Lord is blessing their new little family.


  1. Now that is a good name that won't get her beat up in Kindergarten!! What a great picture! I am so happy you put it up!!

  2. Congratulations, and way to go Lindsay!

    Last night as I was praying with the boys before they went to bed, Clark prayed for Mah-mo (Marshall), zinzee (Lindsay), and zinzee, and zinzee, and zinzee.

    Sounds like he's got a direct line to the top.

  3. Congrats you two! I can't wait to see her.

  4. I know for a fact that as they were trying to come up with a name Marshall was thinking of all the possible names and nicknames that would get her beat up. By the way, Coach, your boys are amazing!


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