
It's funny and true so I stole it

I caught this on The Coach's blog and I thought it was brilliant.  He posted regarding his school's unnamed diversity club and their use of similar looking Hate-Free Zone signs.  In response he created the masterful graphic rebuttal pictured above.  The disclaimer at the bottom of the sign is every bit as funny as the rest but you may have to go to his actual site to get an image capable of being sufficiently enlarged.  You'll need to go there to get the full story anyway.

Sometimes I think that Coach just needs to quit messing around and actually write his manifesto.  Unfortunately for the nation, he is far to reasonable and trustworthy to ever run for political office...I can always dream though.


  1. Ignore what I said about needing to go to The Coach's site to enlarge the image. It works fine from mine but you should all still visit to read his take on things.

  2. I am neither reasonable nor trustworthy. Believe me.

    In the same vein, I got a master's degree in a "discipline" where I didn't even have to write a thesis; you think I'm going to write a manifesto? I can barely post to my inane blog regularly.

  3. Matt -

    Did you get my email with attachments? I figure sending an email to see if you got my email might not work.


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What I used to think