
How long have I been sitting here?

According to my blog's index, I began this little experiment on the 11th of January last year with my inaugural post dealing with why I left MySpace. At that point I was pleased to have 10 people check in - accidentally or on purpose - on a given day. Today, more than a year and 220 posts later, I get no less than 100 actual visitors even on a slow day (why, I really can't say) and I've become minorly obsessed with it.

The other night I was trying to sleep after an evening of tooling around on the site and the thought occurred to me. Someone should invent a "priority filter" that could be installed to only allow the user to cruise around the blogosphere if he/she has nothing better to do.

You haven't played with your kids today? No Powerline for you, young man!

Oh, you haven't read from your Bible all week? Stay off LGF!

Your wife is still strongly hinting that her neck could really use a massage? Ragamuffinsoul can wait till later!

Anybody else think this would shut down blogging worldwide? I love it, but you have to admit, it does tend to sap time like a black hole - not to mention energy and motivation. Since many of you are only blog readers, not writers, you can let me have it without fear of too much hypocrisy...

1 comment:

  1. That is a good idea or you could use your blog was part of your job like I get to do. So I can sit at work and write my blog and it is totally kosher. ;)_


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What I used to think